This is AvTek's StandBy Electrical Reward Page:

        Please Print it out.  Then complete it, and GET your Reward up to $100

        AvTek; Quality Products since 1983

    (253) 813-1455 day/eve}           (253) 850-7978 FAX/Mess.     {Wk.425/965-0409Boeing 6am-2pm}


            $100.00       ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS           $100.00

                        I WANT TO GIVE YOU $100, Yes I really Do!

Your Comments:___________________________________________________________________________________


I hope you feel the same way that I, and Nearly 2000 IFR Pilots feel about StdBy Elect Unit.

Batteries are used as Back up's in all of Boeing's Aircraft.  All Computer Power outage back-up's are Batteries. All Hospitals use batteries as Back-up's.   Batteries alone are not enough.  AvTek uses a Controller circuit Board that Safely provides Electrical Power to the IFR Panel for over 1 HOUR. 200 amps are stored inside the Lead-Sealed Acid Batteries.   This circuit Board will also recharge the Batteries for years of reliability.   The circuit board will also Blink a RED Led when there is 5 Minuets of power left. 

To get your reward Simply demonstrate AvTek's StdBy unit to any Aircraft owner (NEVER, use AvTek's 28 volt unit in 12v aircraft) Please be careful. Then when they say: I WANT ONE! They either call 1800/770-3265 or you call me. When they buy, the check's definitely in the MAIL. Or you can suggest that he go to my Web Site and fill out the Click Here order_form just like you did. Pricing and Free UPS shipping Click Here StdBy Elec.

To confirm that you recommended them to AvTek, and receive your Reward. The order form on my Web page NOW has: Recommend by on it, leave your phone number and I will call you.  So You will Get the check.  You must provide PROVE of Purchase.   Sales slip, Etc.  So please locate this before I call you.  This Cash Back Reward is good to any of AvTek's StdBy Elec Customers purchased at any time, and unlimited to the number of Rewards you will receive.

Of Course if I were you, I would make sure that AvTek (Mike Peter) had your Name, Telephone number, and address so the check went to the correct person.  Email OR for the Fastest response.

$100 is paid when 28 volt unit is purchased. $50 will be paid when 12v unit is Purchased. OR $75 Credit towards a Pulsar/1st Alert, 12volt or 28 volt is purchased. Of course you could just recommend AvTek's unit because: You know it's GREAT! 

I think this is how businesses should treat their customers.  Don't you. Reward can NOT be combined with any other Rebate or other reward offers from Avtek.

    That's it. Very Easy to get your Reward up to $100

Remember, your Flying Friend's IFR Flight one day might be Saved, because you demonstrated Your AvTek unit in his Airplane.

              Fax Prove of Purchase To: 253/850-7978 (Or) Mail to the Address below

You must Provide Prove of Purchase, otherwise some will take advantage of this Honest reward offer.

Your Name______________________________________Tel:__________________________

Click Here StdBy Info.                  Click Here Back AvTek HomePage          Click  Here $19.95 voltmeter Page

         Click Here pulsar. Info    Click Here StdBy Elec Order.            Click Here AvTek Products

   Click Here email_page          Total Elect Failure: Go Here Aircraft Destroyed While IFR You Need to see this...

                                                         Seattle, WA. (West Coast Time) 


    PROUDLY MADE at 25230- 45TH Ave. SO. IN THE USA Kent, WA. 98032


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