Pulsing Lights, more Info here... See and be Seen from $225 Pulsar W/ Speed Select Ge Halogen ONLY $19.95 2/$25w/Pulsar Purchase Change page color click here Speed/select cost too Much? ....Here get Single Speed $189.95 This is the BEST of all Pulse-Lights $295 Click here: FULL Pricing Table at bottom of this page Two Controllers working together at KOSH Tower. Audio last then turns off. Have you ever been there? Any Aviation site can have Blinking Lights in their Site, but the actual Tower tape at KOSH, that's Aviation Web-Site! your Nose or Wing Wing lights (one in each wing) Pulse alternating Back & Forth, or any Single Nose Mounted Light. Get Wing-Tips By: Tracy O'Brien. .com PulsarÒ pulses your landing or taxi light with a steady solid state electronic controller I/C. Filtered for quiet operation. Bulb life is not shortened, in-fact bulb life is extended 10x's longer; why? Because the filaments never completely go out so there is no thermal shock turn-on. Pulsar's Ò controlled pulse rate keeps the filament running much cooler then if the bulb was on continuously. Hundreds of hours per bulb have been reported by our customers with Pulsar pulsing the light(s). Even Longer life with Ge Halogen lights! Click this and See for yourself. How Does Pulsar Work? Comanche Owner's and All Wing Tip Aircraft owners Click Here Your Panel Landing or Taxi Light Switch is turned OFF, Pulsar's Separate On/Off Switch Turned ON, your light will begin to Pulse. If you are landing at NIGHT, and want your light's on Steady, you simply reach to that Landing light Switch (which remember has been OFF during the Pulsing Mode,) and TURN-IT-ON, your Landing Light or Taxi Light will come on Steady. Also the Led, will STOP Blinking and come-on Steady to tell you "Yes indeed your Light is ON". Because Pulsar has NOT changed or Altered your Aircraft wiring. So... It's really just that easy and simply! For MORE-OUT-PUT-POWER, such as: GE Quartz Landing Light Bulbs Click Here AvTek was asked from a Customer for additional info on How Does Pulsing Lights work with the existing Landing-Light: It's simple: Your current existing Landing Light Switch in your panel MUST be turned-OFF, before any light can be Pulsed. So; the Piper/Cessna/Mooney/Beechcraft Landing Light Switch is turned "OFF" and your separate Pulsar on/off switch is NOW turned "ON", then a Pulsing Light signal is sent down the wire from your panel to the Landing Light all at the speed you select. Fast for Sunny days. Slow at night/cloudy/smoggy flights. Then when on final at NIGHT, and you No Longer desire a Pulsing Landing Light for the last 1/4 mile, turn ON that panel light switch from Piper/Cessna/Mooney/ Beech, which remember has been turned "OFF" for "Pulse-Mode" your Landing Light will then be "ON" Steady. Pulsar needs Power in, which will be the RED-Fused wire. Black is always "Ground" and Power out from Pulsar is White wire, (3) wires total. Fused RED wire goes to "HOT". The White wire goes to "Cold" side of the Piper/Cessna/Mooney/Beech Panel Landing Light Sw. ...while black is chassis ground. You just want the Price? Click here for quick pricing. Piper Chieftain getting a NEW Door Seal ...Pulsing-Lights Prevents Bird-Strikes, NASA Says...Click here ONLY PulsarÒ has a select switch, built-in. Speed/select means: slow/fast. Cloudy, Smoggy, or night flights use the slow speed, similar to the rotating beacon at the airfield. The rods & cones of the Human eye produce a change in reaction time, that's why a Coast Guard Light House, and the rotating airfield beacons are all slow at night. Use the FAST speed in bright SUN, similar to a police car. The faster speed at night will appear as flicker from just a few miles away, while the slower speed in bright SUN may not be seen early enough.The above is the short and accurate description of Pulsar. Click Here to read again Click; Mid-Air Caught on Tape 10/11/2002: Mid-Air in process... You have to see this!-----Original Message----- Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 8:14 AM To: Peter, Michael J Subject: very pleased Hi Mike, Have you ever bought a product at a fair price which installed and worked better than promised.... I finally did, your pulsar unit.I am very impressed and highly recommend it. I feel as you do that visibility is everything to help avoid a midair collision.I know...been there, done that , Ed (here are photos of my previous plane....in Mid-Air)(Thank you Ed for your E-mail thoughts...) ONLY PULSARÒ HAS SPEED SELECT. So that you can change SPEED from the cockpit, only AvTek has-it "Built-in", and your Aircraft should have-it. Slow Speed fixed (44 Pulses/Min). Because the fast Pulsing Speed (88/Min), will blend the Pulses together at Night, and may not be seen quickly from a distance. This is why the all Coast Guard light houses at night Pulse a slow 44 per minute. So the ships Captain can get a fix on that point, while at Night. The same reason with the Rotating Airfield Beacons. From a distance, you want to locate the Beacon "AS SOON AS POSSIBLE". So the FAA made the Pulse rate at 44 times per minute as a standard on all Airfield Beacons. If AvTek made the Single Speed "Fast", we would not be considering your best interest, and safety. When Mechanics and Owners take all this into consideration, AvTek's Pulsar is chosen every-time. Over 3,400 Satisfied owners, since 1983. AvTek was the first, and Still the "Only" Pulsing light that has true "Speed/Select". Pulsar Ò is owner installed in about 30 minutes. NO WIRES ARE CUT, ALTERED, OR CHANGED. You simple loosen two screws at the landing or taxi light switch, and slide PulsarsÒ connectors under the existing wires. PulsarÒ has its own on/off switch built-in. So with your existing Taxi or Landing light switch in the panel turned OFF, and PulsarÒ Switched ON your light(s) will begin to pulse.For Night landing or taxing, you just turn on your aircraft's light switch in the panel as you normally do, and the light (s) will go on steady. You do not need to turn Pulsar OFF to make the lights go on steady. Your aircraft light switch over-rides pulsar every time. Simple. Sunny day push the Built-in speed select switch once for fast, push it again to go back to slow for night, cloudy, or smoggy flights. There is a green LED indicator built-in to tell you: what speed you have selected i.e. Fast/Slow. Also the LED will tell you if the light is out, and the LED will go on steady to indicate that the landing light is indeed on steady for night Landing / Taxi. Also, Pulsar has NO Heat-Sinks, These heat-sinks are NOT necessary with Pulsar, because there is NO heat build-up with Pulsars technology. Pulsar therefore allows "Maximum Transfer of Energy" to the Pulsing light. This means: NO loss of Luminance (Candle-Power). Your Landing/Taxi Light will pulse each pulse brighter with Pulsar. Heat-Sinks all have Heat Build-up. This heat is energy loss of ~10 watts. 10 Watts of power are lost and must be dissipated at the Heat-Sinks. Maximum transfer of energy, that is what "Pulsar" allows. So each of Pulsars Pulses to your landing/Taxi light will be just as bright as GE had intended, NO 10 Watt loss. This is important!! At night maybe 10 watts less will not make much difference, but on a Bright Sunny day when everyone is out flying and your "Pulse-Light" needs to compete with the SUN; yes every watt is important. Only Pulsar has maximum transfer of energy; NO LOSS. So Get the best for your Family, and $ave by doing so.Clearly; Pulsing-Lights are more noticeable then Strobes. Click; Want Prove? Ok; next time you are at your airport, look up at the approaching traffic. Pick out any plane on the "45" with their Strobes on, you see their Strobes, right? Now find another aircraft out beyond the "45", say three or four miles that has their Landing light on Steady, this may take a few minutes. Watch that aircraft as it gets closer to the "45" and look for it's "Strobes". There; NOW you will see the strobes at the "45", but you saw the Landing-Light way-out beyond the "45". Now; just imagine if that Landing light was PULSING. Pulsing-Lights with Pulsar is the Best protection from "Close-Calls" that you can Buy.The LED is a BONUS, like SPEED SELECT only Pulsar's Ò pulse light has this feature. The single speed version of PulsarÒ also has this green LED. WOW! More features cost Le$$, Ok you decide. You could spend $249 for another Pulse-Light...Plus 3 to 4 hours installation, total cost to you will be over $400. Or, $169.95 and do-it yourself.Install-Pulsar yourself in 30 Minutes, Save BIG!. Click pulsar manual. Pulsar is a darn good design. Thousands of AvTek's Satisfied Customers is your confidence! Speed/Select, sets AvTek apart, and it's still priced less. Even though you may Fly with Pulsar on every hour of the flight, AvTek recommends, turn-it off at Cruise. When at 10,500, 12,500 or even 6500 feet Chances are very slime of seeing anyone. It's when we descend into and depart from controlled and uncontrolled fields that Mid-airs/Close-Calls occur. Pulsar has MORE Features, And it takes 30 minutes to install. Pulsar has it all, and more. I like Saving Money, how about YOU! And a Snap to install. The weight is 3.5 oz. and is about the same size as a deck of cards. Pulsar Picture Dimensions: L=3.25", W=2.0", H= 1.0".Pulsar Ò can pulse one, or two lights up to 100w each @ 12 volt or 28 volts. However two light's side by side as in most Cessna's will blend together and appear as one light when alternated back and forth from as little as 1/2 mile away at night/early evening. We recommend pulsing only the Taxi lights in those aircraft's, and leave the landing light alone as a reserve. The Taxi light is usually aimed more straight out then the landing light anyway. Aircraft w/ lights mounted in each wing, request Dual Lite Pulsar.Owner installation in 30 min. or less. Any owner installation must be inspected be a FAA- Licensed Mechanic prior to the aircraft's first flight. Built-in green LED indicator. Built-in ON/OFF switch. Built-in SELECT switch. Clearly makes PulsarÒ the right pulse light for you. Choose PulsarÒ ; Thousands of Aircraft Owners already have.Owner Install Notice: Any Owner installation "Major" or "Minor". The work must be Inspected by an FAA-Licensed Mechanic Prior to the 1st Flight. Pulsar has been Ruled to be a "Minor" therefore a logbook entry by an "A/p" is required, as the case with any "Minor" Alterations. In the Case of a "Major" alteration (owners should NEVER attempt a Major) an I/a is the Authority to return the aircraft to airworthiness. AvTek STC'd Pulsar, a "Minor" Alteration. STC's are REQUIRED for any/all "Major" Alterations. STC's are NOT Required for "Minor" Alteration/Installations. I/a is the only Authority to submit an STC/Field Approval on a 337. <End> NEW *Great* Products Click Voltmeter & 3-Way Splitter. Ok, Pulsars is Great but what are the Bad things about Pulsar? You may ask. Pulsar is NOT for all aircraft. In-fact a competitor has a model that is approved for Boeing 737's, Pulsar is NOT. I have my competitions phone number and I have Gladly given it to callers when they were interested in purchasing a Pulsar for their aircraft when pulsar was not approved for use in that aircraft. Pulsar is approved for all 100 watt GE lights. Sorry NO 250w lights, however Ge NOW has halogen lights that produce Nearly the same candle power as the 250 watt lights at far less wattage, and the Halogen last up to 10 times longer. Pulsar is approved for use with these. I have them at a Special Price for you with Pulsar Purchase, or any AvTek products. In the future I'll sell them to you at a price Lower then anyone, anywhere ever-time. Pulsar has a FIVE Stage Filter for Quite operation. ...Reliability; all manufactures claim there's to be the best, and so do we. Our warranty is One Year. Not 90 days or 6 mos. Please use the Ge Halogen with Pulsar. At 1/2 the amps and brighter light Pulsar will last longer before needing service. If you use the old 4509's waiting for them to burn-out, you'll need Pulsar repairs sooner. For MORE-OUT-PUT-POWER, such as: GE Quartz Landing Light Bulbs Click Here If you look through-out AvTek's many web pages you will see AvTek is very fair. Free Shipping on products. Free gifts... Ge Halogen Landing-Lights sold everywhere for $25 to $29.95 ea. I have them for Less...Yes; AvTek is fair, very Fair. Because we are NOT big Corporate USA that has to have a Positive Bottom line, and answer to share holders. AvTek answer to YOU!
You Need MORE Info...Click Here AvTek since 1983; Pulsar is a Registered Brand Name, owned by AvTek: 1992. Click here to see AvTek's Service DepartmentAvTek providing quality products since 1983. PulsarÒ is PMA-FAA Approved PulsarÒ $199.95 AvTek Truly has a fine product; our customer satisfaction has convinced Me of this. Call Today and Order. Send Payment to: Mike Peter C/o AvTek .... 25230- 45TH Ave. SO. IN THE USA Kent, WA. 98032 or: Click Submit-Order FREE Shipping on Pulsar if Paid by Check, But Card # is needed to insure against BAD Checks. Due to the Excessive Rate increases in Shipping, Ge-Halogen Lights are NOW being charged for shipping. Visa/M-c Charges 4.8% Or FREE Shipping when you send Payment be Check. Please Add $8.65 to your check if you want GE Halogen Lights Pulsar STC Here S&h is FREE. Please Complete the order form then print a Copy... And send it in w/your Check, BUT Card # is Needed to guard against Bad Check's, which we get. Visa/M-c Charges fees on Pulsar credit card purchases. Pulsar Pricing Table Sending Money Orders will save you 5% card fees or $5 every $100 = $15 savings Below; in the first table is the fastest and easiest way to install Pulsar, UNDER the panel... Reg Pulsar w/Relay For those that decided to install Pulsar behind the Panel where heat build-up is not dissipated with an Avionics’ Fan, you need our Micro “Cooling-Kit” Just $35.00… While MOSFET's are indeed more efficient than old Transistors all avionics need cooling air. Only AvTek's relay version do not.
So; you want Pulsar hidden behind the panel with ONLY the switches shown Pulsing two lights and you have NO Avionics Fan the cost is: $295 (base) + $30 (Dual Lights) +$25 (Behind Panel) + $35 (Cooling Fan) Total: $385.00 NEVER need service.
Remember Under the Panel Install is 20 minutes... Behind the Panel is hours, and you MUST drill holes in your panel for all the switches and Led...CLEARLY the under the panel is the BEST. All the switches and Led are built-in... Some may ask why so many different prices? Well; not everyone will want the same-version. One Pilot may have only ONE landing-Light while others have (4) Four. Some pilots may hate having anything hanging under their panel...while another see that Ok and saves money. Our competitor also has different prices, beginning at $395 to $3,450 for their 3/4 landing light Star-Burst ours is $345...same $ number $ just leave off the last Zero. Also AvTek's Pulse-Light begins at $189.95 except our $189.95 Pulsar has an Led.